Category Archives: Cultural Diversity

Helping women understand the cultural assumptions that drive business in foreign lands.

Photo by Dane Deaner on Unsplash Helping women understand the cultural assumptions that drive business in foreign lands Both men and women can learn how to bow, kiss or shake hands effectively, but when it comes to global management, addressing deeper cultural issues is the challenge for both sexes. This challenge, however, is slightly more …

Culture Is Like A River…

Through the years, there have been several theories used to describe culture. Since culture is so hard to describe, having a theory to try to explain it makes sense, but how much sense does it actually make when you are living in the midst of a new culture? Do you actually remember to apply the …

Heaven and Hell

  Below I tell a story of a mind-bending mystery from the world of folklore, see if you could solve it on your own, if you struggle, reach out to me for the answer:   People are always wishing. But once in China a man got his wish, which was to see the difference between heaven …

Unconscious Bias Training… Does it Work?

Unconscious bias is all the talk in diversity these days. It is as if someone turned on a switch and companies everywhere are adding unconscious bias training to their diversity programs. I am not against it, but it has been part of cultural training and diversity for decades. The only thing that happened is it …